Here’s a Story

Shassy’s Walkabout, Life, Love, Freedom, Mental Health

Category: Financial

  • self care isn t selfish signage

    Take a break…seriously

    Are you spending too much time in front of a screen?

  • photography of a persons hand with stop signage

    No college required

    You don’t need college to be successful.

  • cash dollars hands money

    Not making sales??

    If you sell products, courses or mentorships.. really anything, and you are in a slump, or just getting started, here are a few reasons why you aren’t/can create getting leads/sales. **You aren’t providing them with YOUR understanding of theirproblems, needs, wants. **You aren’t giving them value based information, based on theirproblems, needs, wants. **You aren’t…

  • man s face

    Shush with all the ”you can make xx dollars in.…”

    I see 👏Every. 👏Single.👏 Day. on my socials about how much money a person can make. The simple fact is most people that start an online business fail, because they have no community, no mentor, and have fallen for the “hook”, but have not been given the information, and then given the solution to their…

  • photo of people holding siamese cat and chihuahua

    Do you love your pet?

    Do you love your pet? I love my pets, usually more than people. They give you unconditional love and loyalty, and forgive our mistakes and arrogance. How do you show your love to your pet? I’m always looking for new gadgets, and cool things to enhance Zoey, Simba and Sadie’s life. This site, has some…

  • woman standing on green grass

    Fiverr, Upwork, Legiit and Contra

    I created gigs on all four of these platforms a couple weeks ago, or whenever it was.. lol…. So far, my seo sucks, and I’m not ranking well… so I’m working on that. Also, on Fiverr, the requests I’ve gotten thus far, are ”people” trying to get me to work with them off of the…

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    You don’t always get approved

    Check out my Tiktok if you want. When you apply for affiliate partnerships, you have to first do some research on the product. Then you have to find the affiliate partner program that that product uses. Usually then you have to create an account with that partner. THEN you can search for your product. (In…

  • wood dawn caffeine coffee

    The best…

    Refer a friend to the best, in my opinion, place to start your online business. I like WordPress. There are other ways, but so far I’m able to do anything and everything from here. But, with that being said, if you and I work together one on one, you can choose whatever platform you want.…

  • woman holding fireflies

    Who do you want?

    You’ve decided to start an online business. Cool! So how are you going to get people to want to do business with you? What kind of people do you want to attract? You want to attract your tribe, people that you vibe with. In my opinion. I mean, if you just want to sell stuff…

  • close up shot of a typewriter

    Where I’m at right now.

    I’ve shared that I started a business at the beginning of the year. At first I thought I was just going to do affiliated marketing, I took the “$7 course”, and got an insight as to how the process works. I did get very frustrated because 4 or 5 days in, I quickly realized that…