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Shassy’s Walkabout, Life, Love, Freedom, Mental Health

coffee beans and white mug

Coffee!!!! Get in my belly. Love Chocolate too? Coffee AND Chocolate? Yes please.

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Coffee!!!! Coffee!!!!

Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on

If you like coffee, then you should check out these products.

Roast coffee

Out of the Grey Coffee

Coffee benefits

Health benefits of drinking coffee.

1. Boosts energy

Coffee contains caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant that is known for its ability to fight fatigue and increase energy levels.

2. May be linked to a lower risk of diabetes

This is thought to be due to coffee’s ability to preserve the function of the beta cells in your pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

3. May support brain health

Although studies have turned up mixed results, some research suggests that coffee may help protect against certain neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

4. Could help weight management

According to some research, coffee could alter fat storage and support gut health, both of which may be beneficial for weight management.

5. Some say lowers risk of depression

Some studies have found that drinking coffee could be associated with a lower risk of depression.

6. May protect liver

Interestingly, several studies suggest that coffee could support liver health and protect against disease.

7. Heart health

Some research shows that drinking coffee may benefit heart health.

8. May increase longevity

Some research suggests that coffee could help extend longevity, thanks to its multitude of potential health benefits.

9. Could help athletic performance

Coffee is often used as an ergogenic aid by athletes looking to improve performance and increase energy levels.

All of this information can be found HERE.

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About the author

Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]