Here’s a Story

Shassy’s Walkabout, Life, Love, Freedom, Mental Health

Category: Uncategorized

  • Exciting!

    A while ago I mentioned that a new journey was beginning. With me. I was tired of feeling trapped, so I took some training and started my own business. I’ll be sharing in my blog different ways to help your business…but the first thing is to make sure you have the right tools in your…

  • A Splatter…

    Don’t you want me? I said no. It’s ok honey, sshhh, please? Hands close over my wrist, weight presses against my hips. I said no. Trying to extricate my body from underneath this weight, I start seeing white, my ears ringing, my eyes staring straight. I said no. What is happening to me? I don’t…

  • I need coffee.

    Coffee. And if I am being honest, I really need a dedicated writing space…sitting here on my couch with my feet on the “coffee” table is ok for now, but knowing me, I’ll get antsy, and move to the bed.. lol…. Anyway, not that that is a big deal, whatever works, right? Oh, and the…

  • Edit: He wasn’t MY person….Almost one year later. I think my last post was middle of November, 2017…

    I’ve been re-reading my blogs during my therapy sessions this past few years, trying to find some sort of pattern or correspondence with ANY FUCKING THING, so I can bring some semblance back to my life. Or the kind of life that made me happy.  Anyway, I realized that I hadn’t blogged in almost a…

  • Gut punch

    “Why aren’t you sticking up for yourself!!!  Why don’t you say anything, say something instead of just sitting there.”  I keep sitting there, saying nothing, my head is bobbing back and forth now and then because it’s 2 fucking o’clock in the morning and she’s been yelling at me for hours.  I can’t even remember…

  • ….

    This is mostly a therapy post today. I am a member of a group on facebook that is a safe place for those diagnosed with PTSD, or other psychological illnesses.  I don’t post very often, but read what others are going through.  On almost  **every. single. post. ** there is some form of abuse.  Sexual,…

  • I’m a shitty person right now. 

    Sometimes I use blogging as a source to blast what is going on at the core, because it’s therapy for me. Sometimes I keep them private and sometimes I share.  Not sure what this blurb is going to end up as. I try not to say negative things about my life because nobody has time…

  • WARNING: Bad Language…Depression

    Lets talk about depression for a minute.  Or lets let me talk to my dogs about depression, since there isn’t anyone here. This sucks.  This makes me feel hopeless and desolate.  I simply have to keep on living.  I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Somewhere.  Or is that…

  • This sucks

    Depression sucks. It’s all consuming sometimes and it makes me feel like I’m in a dark hole , trying to claw my way out. I do my coping skills that my therapist and I discuss.  I think about all the blessings I have in my life. My kids, my grandbaby, my animals.  I sit outside…

  • I almost said “I hate”.

    From So I’m siting here in my chemical romance, looking at my babies all sleeping and chill. It’s been impossible to miss any doses of my meds, because then I’m in a bad way. I guess I should be thankful that I’m not crouching on the floor in a blubbering, dissociated, mess, on the…